User Info
Name: Yevette Eason
Birthday: 12/03/2025
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Country: United States
Birthday: 12/03/2025
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Country: United States
- Joined: 5 years ago
- Last Login: 5 years ago
- Total Views on Uploads: 0
- Profile Views: 794
- About: Mateship "I love you." Sly's heart leapt to hear those words, the purple werehusky's breath catching, tightening, in his throat. For a moment, he could not breathe, but that was all well as his werewolf boyfriend, Natheniel, took him into his arms and gave him the kiss of life -- well, a kiss nonetheless! Dancing at the police officer ball was a romantic experience in itself but Nate taking his lover close and off to a secluded place to ask him to be his forever mate was more special still than even the event that Sly, admittedly, had been looking forward to for months. It was the next step in their relationship, all happening at the right pace for him, and he kissed Nate fiercely, running his fingers through his lover's thick, brown fur, Natheniel being more traditionally coloured for a werewolf than he was. He always was teasing Sly about the yellow markings over his shoulders and down his back, not to mention the orange of his hair and yellow ears to match too that set him apart from any other fur. But Sly did not complain too much as it was those very stand-outs about him as a werehusky that had drawn Nate to him in the first place. And who was going to say anything bad about that? They kissed. They danced. They had not the sweetness in them to while away the night in the company of others when they could be alone. Thus, it was back to Natheniel's apartment, a few blocks south in the heart of the city, best placed for his line of work as an officer, for the pleasure of one another and one another alone, laughing like teenagers all over again and dancing through puddles, kicking up the water even in their dress shoes as if they no longer had a single care left in the world. No... No, that was just how it was meant to be, spinning in each other's arms beneath the globe of street lights, few cars on the streets at such an hour -- and those that were out there then had somewhere to be, paying them little attention or mind. They could do as they willed and Nate dominantly pulled Sly to him, growling into his mouth as he kissed him fiercely, travelling up in the elevator to his place with due haste. They had one another to themselves and Sly smirked cockily, although he was not best placed to be such in that moment, as Nate spun him into the bedroom, the werewolf's eyes darkening seductively. "Now..." His breath came raggedly, sending Sly's heart into desperately fervent overdrive. "Now, it's time to claim you as my mate." He was not as eloquent as he may otherwise have been but Sly was hardly going to complain about that, considering, of course, that he had partaken in the drinks at the ball too, the grand even that now seemed to pale in insignificance to the great commitment that Nate had asked him to make. The werewolf's paws swept down his form, hustling to render him nude, and it was all the more submissive Sly could do to reveal his purple fur in a swift yet clumsy undoing of buttons. If he was not quick enough about it, of course, he knew more than well enough from experience that his shirt surely would end up ruined beyond all repair as a result. Not that he minded... He mused on past encounters as the werewolf's tongue invaded his muzzle, plundering the depths of his mouth, stealing intimacy that he may not have yet been entitled to. There were shorts that he'd hung onto after such encounters that looked as if a savage beast had taken hold of them in their maw, but it was only Nate, as much of an animal as he could be from time to time. That was just one of the many things that Sly loved him for as he snarled into his mouth, pinning his arms lightly up over his head. At the time, there was no need for anything more as he knew more than well enough for himself that Sly was not going anywhere when he was about to get his holes filled. Growling seductively, Nate pushed up over his chest, too close to the headboard of the bed but it was no matter really. The wooden board knocked into the wall and Sly moaned as his lover's bare cock rubbed up against his, the fat length of werewolf dick demanding attention that, even right there and then, he longed to give, tongue lolling helplessly and haplessly from his pink maw. Nate smirked. "Go on then," he murmured huskily, his voice taking on a lower tone as lust overcame him. "Suck on it...mate." It was not a friendly greeting but a word that sent a shiver through him, Sly moaning and accepting the gift of that cock into his mouth right there and then. There was simply nothing else for it as he suckled it deep, taking it up into the back of his throat and forcing down his gag reflex, as much as the need to twitch and convulse made his eyes water. The tip burrowed down where it belonged and he swallowed around it as if he wanted to gulp every last bit of it straight down his throat, angling for the high that should have been his all along. But, as Nate's mate forevermore, there would be plenty more highs to enjoy, fantasies coming together with stringent, ardent reality in the very best of ways. Nate growled, pushing down against him, fucking and thrusting, using his mouth as a hole to be bred, the helpless werehusky's tongue pressed up as much against the underside as he possibly could manage. He didn't have to do much, languishing in the moment of softening submission, knowing that there still was so much to come. His heart filled with love for the sexy werewolf that he had never thought would look twice at him -- and just look where they had ended up! Together forever, that was what everyone wanted from their relationships and he was the doggone lucky one to get all of it for himself! With that thought in his mind, he moaned around Nate's hot length and suckled on it as if it was the last dick he would ever suck, slurping it wet with saliva, hot breaths exhaled through his nostrils. He wouldn't have, after all, wanted to pause to breathe through his mouth when it would have meant releasing that delectable shaft from his lips... No, there were better pleasures to be had and Sly found himself unwilling to give a single one of them up now that he had his forever mate in bed with him -- properly this time. There was a certainty to it, a sense that his path and his future was laid out ahead of him, the world stable beneath his paws. And it was that that allowed him to suckle all the more fervently on Nate's shaft as the werewolf grunted in such a masculine fashion that even Sly was surprised that he did not cum right then and there. Nate rolled his shoulder blades back, releasing his mate from his pinned position, even though there was solely more lust to come. He slipped off him but, of course, did not wander far, lazily trailing a paw over Sly's cock -- but there was something more that he wanted in the immediate interim, something to well and truly seal their mateship as a done deal. "Bend your legs back, there's a good werepup now," he teased, eyes glinting with the knowledge that, of course, he would be instantly obeyed. "You know you want to..." And, oh, Sly did! It was all he could do to yank his legs back and bend at the knees in some manner of a dignified position, Nate bearing over him, helping him with the position. He was just about flexible enough that he could get his legs over Nate's shoulders, although the werewolf helped him somewhat by hitching his buttocks up so that they lay against his knees as he knelt there, aiding the position. It would have taken a very soft and pliable fur indeed to get their legs all the way back to their shoulders and Sly just couldn't do that...yet! The werehusky moaned and allowed his tongue to loll happily from his muzzle, the tip of Nate's cock pressing in. They'd fucked before but this time was different and he panted heavily as the large shaft pressed into him, burrowing its way deeper and deeper, seeking out the manner of its own pleasure even as Sly's came lustfully hand in hand with it. He moaned and tried to rock his hips up to his lover but found himself not quite in such a position to do so, forced to bear through as Nate groaned and thrust, finding his rhythm and using the gentle force of his strokes to penetrate Sly more and more until the full length of his meat was buried right up where it belonged. There was nothing for Sly to do but ride it out, his moans rising and falling in perfect unison with Nate's, two lusty bodies coming together as they were always meant to. Nate leaned over him as much as he could with the pup's legs pressed up to his chest and over his shoulders, the heat of their bodies drawing the pads of their paws to sweat -- but neither of them cared about something like that. No, all that mattered to the two of them was that they came together over and over again, the raunchy slap of Nate's hips connecting with Sly echoing through the bedroom that was both familiar and strange in the same breath. "Unnff..." Nate growled, saliva drooling lightly from his maw, tongue seemingly too large for his mouth as Sly's tail hole clenched and rippled around him, although he was not such a fool as to think that Sly was doing it deliberately. But anal penetration would not quite be enough to get the werehusky off and he was nothing if not a considerate lover too, wrapping his large paw around that throbbing dick and pumping it in time with his strokes. After giving head too, Sly had already been close to the edge and the mere touch of Nate on his cock did it for him -- he howled in climax. Spurt after spurt of cum oozed from his cock, painting his own stomach, but that did not stop Nate from pounding him for all he was worth, slamming into that no longer tight hold over and over again as he forced it to conform to the wanton shape of him. His seed came with a more powerful flow than Sly's and the werewolf's true breeding howl echoed through the room and down the hall -- perhaps even going further afield, but, was not as if the neighbours were going to complain when they knew that he was a police officer! There were some odd perks to the job too, after all! A joint high was the best they could have asked for as the exhaustion of the night and such developments washed over them, bringing them down and down, a softening cock slipping from Sly's tail hole as Nate collapsed beside him, panting heavily. He could barely get out the words that would only be shared between them as mates going forward before crushing his muzzle gently into the pillow, sleep claiming him, dragging him down and down and down even as he drew Sly, softly, into his arms. The werehusky snuggled in against him automatically, a warm glow encompassing him, softening the edges of a reality that, somehow, looked even better than it had before. How strange was that? There, they slipped into slumber together but it was not to be the last time they mated that night, exhausted and nerves pleasantly tingling after the police officer's ball that had ended so well for the two of them. And the morning would bring untold pleasures for the two new mates too. That, kindly, was the way of it.
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Posokuki's Information
- Name:
- Yevette Eason
- Gender:
- Female
- Joined:
- 5 years ago
- Last Login:
- 5 years ago
- Country:
- United States
- About:
- Mateship "I love you." Sly's heart leapt to hear those words, the purple werehusky's breath catching, tightening, in his throat. For a moment, he could not breathe, but that was all well as his werewolf boyfriend, Natheniel, took him into his arms and gave him the kiss of life -- well, a kiss nonetheless! Dancing at the police officer ball was a romantic experience in itself but Nate taking his lover close and off to a secluded place to ask him to be his forever mate was more special still than even the event that Sly, admittedly, had been looking forward to for months. It was the next step in their relationship, all happening at the right pace for him, and he kissed Nate fiercely, running his fingers through his lover's thick, brown fur, Natheniel being more traditionally coloured for a werewolf than he was. He always was teasing Sly about the yellow markings over his shoulders and down his back, not to mention the orange of his hair and yellow ears to match too that set him apart from any other fur. But Sly did not complain too much as it was those very stand-outs about him as a werehusky that had drawn Nate to him in the first place. And who was going to say anything bad about that? They kissed. They danced. They had not the sweetness in them to while away the night in the company of others when they could be alone. Thus, it was back to Natheniel's apartment, a few blocks south in the heart of the city, best placed for his line of work as an officer, for the pleasure of one another and one another alone, laughing like teenagers all over again and dancing through puddles, kicking up the water even in their dress shoes as if they no longer had a single care left in the world. No... No, that was just how it was meant to be, spinning in each other's arms beneath the globe of street lights, few cars on the streets at such an hour -- and those that were out there then had somewhere to be, paying them little attention or mind. They could do as they willed and Nate dominantly pulled Sly to him, growling into his mouth as he kissed him fiercely, travelling up in the elevator to his place with due haste. They had one another to themselves and Sly smirked cockily, although he was not best placed to be such in that moment, as Nate spun him into the bedroom, the werewolf's eyes darkening seductively. "Now..." His breath came raggedly, sending Sly's heart into desperately fervent overdrive. "Now, it's time to claim you as my mate." He was not as eloquent as he may otherwise have been but Sly was hardly going to complain about that, considering, of course, that he had partaken in the drinks at the ball too, the grand even that now seemed to pale in insignificance to the great commitment that Nate had asked him to make. The werewolf's paws swept down his form, hustling to render him nude, and it was all the more submissive Sly could do to reveal his purple fur in a swift yet clumsy undoing of buttons. If he was not quick enough about it, of course, he knew more than well enough from experience that his shirt surely would end up ruined beyond all repair as a result. Not that he minded... He mused on past encounters as the werewolf's tongue invaded his muzzle, plundering the depths of his mouth, stealing intimacy that he may not have yet been entitled to. There were shorts that he'd hung onto after such encounters that looked as if a savage beast had taken hold of them in their maw, but it was only Nate, as much of an animal as he could be from time to time. That was just one of the many things that Sly loved him for as he snarled into his mouth, pinning his arms lightly up over his head. At the time, there was no need for anything more as he knew more than well enough for himself that Sly was not going anywhere when he was about to get his holes filled. Growling seductively, Nate pushed up over his chest, too close to the headboard of the bed but it was no matter really. The wooden board knocked into the wall and Sly moaned as his lover's bare cock rubbed up against his, the fat length of werewolf dick demanding attention that, even right there and then, he longed to give, tongue lolling helplessly and haplessly from his pink maw. Nate smirked. "Go on then," he murmured huskily, his voice taking on a lower tone as lust overcame him. "Suck on it...mate." It was not a friendly greeting but a word that sent a shiver through him, Sly moaning and accepting the gift of that cock into his mouth right there and then. There was simply nothing else for it as he suckled it deep, taking it up into the back of his throat and forcing down his gag reflex, as much as the need to twitch and convulse made his eyes water. The tip burrowed down where it belonged and he swallowed around it as if he wanted to gulp every last bit of it straight down his throat, angling for the high that should have been his all along. But, as Nate's mate forevermore, there would be plenty more highs to enjoy, fantasies coming together with stringent, ardent reality in the very best of ways. Nate growled, pushing down against him, fucking and thrusting, using his mouth as a hole to be bred, the helpless werehusky's tongue pressed up as much against the underside as he possibly could manage. He didn't have to do much, languishing in the moment of softening submission, knowing that there still was so much to come. His heart filled with love for the sexy werewolf that he had never thought would look twice at him -- and just look where they had ended up! Together forever, that was what everyone wanted from their relationships and he was the doggone lucky one to get all of it for himself! With that thought in his mind, he moaned around Nate's hot length and suckled on it as if it was the last dick he would ever suck, slurping it wet with saliva, hot breaths exhaled through his nostrils. He wouldn't have, after all, wanted to pause to breathe through his mouth when it would have meant releasing that delectable shaft from his lips... No, there were better pleasures to be had and Sly found himself unwilling to give a single one of them up now that he had his forever mate in bed with him -- properly this time. There was a certainty to it, a sense that his path and his future was laid out ahead of him, the world stable beneath his paws. And it was that that allowed him to suckle all the more fervently on Nate's shaft as the werewolf grunted in such a masculine fashion that even Sly was surprised that he did not cum right then and there. Nate rolled his shoulder blades back, releasing his mate from his pinned position, even though there was solely more lust to come. He slipped off him but, of course, did not wander far, lazily trailing a paw over Sly's cock -- but there was something more that he wanted in the immediate interim, something to well and truly seal their mateship as a done deal. "Bend your legs back, there's a good werepup now," he teased, eyes glinting with the knowledge that, of course, he would be instantly obeyed. "You know you want to..." And, oh, Sly did! It was all he could do to yank his legs back and bend at the knees in some manner of a dignified position, Nate bearing over him, helping him with the position. He was just about flexible enough that he could get his legs over Nate's shoulders, although the werewolf helped him somewhat by hitching his buttocks up so that they lay against his knees as he knelt there, aiding the position. It would have taken a very soft and pliable fur indeed to get their legs all the way back to their shoulders and Sly just couldn't do that...yet! The werehusky moaned and allowed his tongue to loll happily from his muzzle, the tip of Nate's cock pressing in. They'd fucked before but this time was different and he panted heavily as the large shaft pressed into him, burrowing its way deeper and deeper, seeking out the manner of its own pleasure even as Sly's came lustfully hand in hand with it. He moaned and tried to rock his hips up to his lover but found himself not quite in such a position to do so, forced to bear through as Nate groaned and thrust, finding his rhythm and using the gentle force of his strokes to penetrate Sly more and more until the full length of his meat was buried right up where it belonged. There was nothing for Sly to do but ride it out, his moans rising and falling in perfect unison with Nate's, two lusty bodies coming together as they were always meant to. Nate leaned over him as much as he could with the pup's legs pressed up to his chest and over his shoulders, the heat of their bodies drawing the pads of their paws to sweat -- but neither of them cared about something like that. No, all that mattered to the two of them was that they came together over and over again, the raunchy slap of Nate's hips connecting with Sly echoing through the bedroom that was both familiar and strange in the same breath. "Unnff..." Nate growled, saliva drooling lightly from his maw, tongue seemingly too large for his mouth as Sly's tail hole clenched and rippled around him, although he was not such a fool as to think that Sly was doing it deliberately. But anal penetration would not quite be enough to get the werehusky off and he was nothing if not a considerate lover too, wrapping his large paw around that throbbing dick and pumping it in time with his strokes. After giving head too, Sly had already been close to the edge and the mere touch of Nate on his cock did it for him -- he howled in climax. Spurt after spurt of cum oozed from his cock, painting his own stomach, but that did not stop Nate from pounding him for all he was worth, slamming into that no longer tight hold over and over again as he forced it to conform to the wanton shape of him. His seed came with a more powerful flow than Sly's and the werewolf's true breeding howl echoed through the room and down the hall -- perhaps even going further afield, but, was not as if the neighbours were going to complain when they knew that he was a police officer! There were some odd perks to the job too, after all! A joint high was the best they could have asked for as the exhaustion of the night and such developments washed over them, bringing them down and down, a softening cock slipping from Sly's tail hole as Nate collapsed beside him, panting heavily. He could barely get out the words that would only be shared between them as mates going forward before crushing his muzzle gently into the pillow, sleep claiming him, dragging him down and down and down even as he drew Sly, softly, into his arms. The werehusky snuggled in against him automatically, a warm glow encompassing him, softening the edges of a reality that, somehow, looked even better than it had before. How strange was that? There, they slipped into slumber together but it was not to be the last time they mated that night, exhausted and nerves pleasantly tingling after the police officer's ball that had ended so well for the two of them. And the morning would bring untold pleasures for the two new mates too. That, kindly, was the way of it.
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